Hello 2017!

 I don't believe in New Years resolutions ... but I do think that we need those fresh starts, that recharge.  So this year I vow to kick my creative ass into gear. I've taken several long hiatuses from creating artwork in my life ... an they felt as anyone would expect: like deep droughts. It's not easy to hold a full-time office job and still remain productive, creatively. It takes a lot of personal deadlines, motivation and discipline. Making art is work. Sure, it can feel therapeutic, meditative and "relaxing," but only because it's so painstakingly mind-bending, there's little room to think about anything else in that moment. Every painting becomes a puzzle. How to put it all together, just so. I often don't, but each painting brings me closer. So as self-serving as my creative process has become, I hope you also enjoy my images this year. Please message me for print and original purchase options (I can work with you on specific dimensions) as I slowly but surely get my online shop together. 
